Post by gogonutz on Aug 17, 2013 23:11:46 GMT -5
That's exactly what it sounds like to me, Daniel.
I think all we could do is speculate when it comes to the future of the band, but there doesn't really seem to be a point for that. They will have to figure it out for themselves first and I'm sure we'll be updated when there is anything worth mentioning.
Post by LHfanMI on Aug 19, 2013 15:22:23 GMT -5
Have I considered that? Does it sound like that to me too? Uh, yeah, because that's what Jason himself added in his note to fans....
I get that, and never once denied that he wants to discover new things creatively. I'm worried because, whether an artist admits it or not, success has an effect. And from other bands that have taken this same hiatus, it seems that there are only a few routes here this can take: be successful in their own endeavors and either continue those endeavors, or even come back to the band and have a great time again together refreshed, or not be successful and drop off the map or come back to the band and drop off the map, or even do poorly separately and feel the NEED to HAVE to come back to the band and then slowly drop off the map.... yes, it's possible to not be successful separately and come back to the band and be fine, but I'd love to see how often that's happened. I'm rambling a bit about possibilities, but my point is that what do you think it's going to do to all of their creativity if they end up with the feeling that they HAVE to form Lifehouse as a necessity. I could be wrong, but I think I remember Ed Roland from Collective Soul talking about that very situation somewhat recently...Add Rob Thomas in there, too, because he too has talked about them wanting to do other things because they don't want to feel like the neeed MB20, and Emerson Hart & Tonic had the same feelings.... in my opinion, Rob & Emerson were perfect examples because they did explore their own paths, did well, and revisited MB20 & Tonic respectively to create (in my opinion) some of their best music of their discographies. Personally, that's why I want Jason et all to be successful.
That's why I'm worried. To me, that will have the best outcome (if they're successful separately). Even if, say they're all wildly successful and happy, I do think they'd still want to revisit Lifehouse if for nothing more than because they enjoy working with each other.
So yeah, I think you're both a little crazy to try to discredit that being successful plays any role in this. You can say it's all about creativity as much as you want, but success/failure is an inevitable piece of the puzzle which will have some sort of impact. My wishes are for that impact to be a positive one.
Post by gogonutz on Aug 19, 2013 18:36:59 GMT -5
It depends on the goal. Being successful commercially can be a goal or a reward. If it's a reward an not a goal it changes the whole mindset. Success doesn't necessarily have to be measured commercially though. Maybe re-energizing and finding inspiration (whether it sells or not) is a goal and when that goal is reached, who's to say it wouldn't be a success?
Post by lh778 on Aug 24, 2013 23:33:52 GMT -5
Yeah, I can see what both of you are saying. To me, however, I personally couldn't risk everything and be in a band and NOT have another job just in case the band doesn't make it. Hence, what my bands' situation is currently. We love music, we are good at what we do, however we each have jobs to pay the bills.
So success is very important as I feel Lifehouse, as many bands, are about. Yes, they are for the fans, yes they do it because they love it/passionate for it, however, if I saw that they each had other jobs, I can agree that their reward is to just play for fans and themselves. Now that they are taking time off, I think it is a good call; sit back, really take a look at who you are again and reinvent yourself, in away. Find YOU again because at the end of the day, after everyone giving their two cents, you hopefully can make your OWN decision.
If this at all makes sense haha. In my mind this does. So I am not trying to argue. I agree with both of you. Bottom line, I don't think Lifehouse would be Lifehouse without their success. I think Jason and the rest LH would have kept pursuing themselves to have "success" either it as LH or with totally different bands.
If they weren't successful, we may have never heard of them other than locally in CA on a couple of nights here and there :/ Okay I am tired.
Post by escalibur on Aug 27, 2013 14:12:46 GMT -5
Post by drakkarhaggar on Aug 27, 2013 15:51:22 GMT -5
Those pictures are cool - but it's sad.
Jason is such a headcase though. Who else is going to release a new album, not go on tour, and dump their record label. Unless of course he's just blowing smoke, like usual, and it was Interscope's idea to dump them instead.
Maybe they just got tired of the white-trash crazy.
Post by celticflower on Aug 28, 2013 6:11:58 GMT -5
i'd say those pictures are not ironic, but have to do with a simple comparison..*Alanis morissete's song is sort of ironic because most of the things she describes as ironic are not ironic at all* anyway....*crickets*
Post by rianne on Sept 17, 2013 4:36:47 GMT -5
Lol Joyce I was thinking about 'Ironic' the other day, so funny (or ironic) :-D
Anyways, wow, lots of discussion... I guess we're all a bit right
So, in my head, this solo thing of Jason is kinda like Jon Foreman's (of Switchfoot) Fall & Winter in 2008. And Switchfoot has brought out new records since then. So I guess this could work.
Did Jason not have his own label, Castleview? No wait, that was the studio, right?
Post by Minka on Sept 18, 2013 16:04:10 GMT -5
But he did has or had his own label, Belly King Records
Post by rianne on Sept 19, 2013 1:28:57 GMT -5
Right! Thanks Minka :-)
Post by escalibur on Sept 19, 2013 14:49:06 GMT -5
Future singer/bassist for about three or four bands, depending on the BBS Door game we play.
Posts: 15
Post by electricbassguy on Sept 20, 2013 23:18:20 GMT -5
I'm nervous that Lifehouse may be fading away, and whatever future albums they produce will have to be crowdsourced and won't have the success even of Almeria or Smoke and Mirrors...
I've seen other bands fading away. Eve 6 put out an excellent album nine years after their prior effort, and it was mostly ignored by the modern indie kids and now Max Collins is doing some solo work.
Post by celticflower on Sept 28, 2013 17:28:29 GMT -5
I am not worried..at the moment, I think in my life a Lifehouse break is ok too..I am happy with the people that entered my life because of them, but a little breather from the band is fine. Whenever they return I will be straight back in front row;-) but for now, seeing how they grow as artists on their own is fine.