Post by Yuliya on Jul 26, 2007 8:59:18 GMT -5
I don't know where this chart of iTunes downloads came from, becuase I've been checking the iTunes top song downloads, and WIT hasn't been on it (although, You and Me made a breif appareance at #97 yesterday).
About Broken, maybe we'll be presently surprsied. I mean, I'm thinking and there are some pretty emotional songs out there that people seem to like. Off the top of my head, "How to Save A Life" by the Fray has a really emotional story, but it did very well on the radio. And if you're worried about how it's a bit slow, and ballad like, I hate to mention/compare to this person, but Fergie's Big Girl's Dont Cry, is a really slow boring song (that I don't personally like), but people still request it.
I think WIT has the potential to be a megahit. Lyrics are perfect, it's catchy, it's not to much rock to scare people away, but enough to make people interested. I think if I weren't a Lifehouse fan, and heard WIT on the radio, I'd definitely be interested.
Post by Minka on Jul 26, 2007 10:00:40 GMT -5
I'm not a fan of being Broken the second single and I agree that WWA or WIT would be much better as singles. The Joke would be good to, since as it was already mentioned, the general public don't listen to the lyrics at all, see Rihanna and Unfaithfull. The lyrics suck, but the melodie was great and that's why it was so successful - oh well.
Post by savemeimdtba on Jul 26, 2007 10:59:59 GMT -5
If you arrange the Lifehouse section on the Itunes store by popularity - "Whatever It Takes" is 4th... which is really odd (After "First Time", "HBAM" and "Y&M") It's not nearly as high as those 3 but it is the highest non-single right now. As for the person who asked for a link to Itunes - I'm guessing you don't have it? Just go to www.Itunes.com - download it and then type in Lifehouse in the music store and there you go!
Post by gogonutz on Jul 26, 2007 11:43:37 GMT -5
Actually, I think the general audience DOES pay attention to lyrics, in a way. That's why a lot of singles with deep(er) lyrics don't do much. People usually pick to the more lighthearted (often love songs) lyrics as their favorites, or songs about personal success/failure since everyone knows that. When people hear a song on the radio, they don't want to think about it a lot to understand it, but they do want to understand it. That's why deeper songs often fail.
Post by FadedJade on Jul 26, 2007 14:04:12 GMT -5
Yeah, the deeper songs that do well are generally catchy in some way (which doesn't have to mean upbeat) or there's a really good hook or something that draws people in....now, if the recorded version of Broken were a little more like that original live version we got, I might think it had a stronger shot as a single, but as it stands, it's give or take.
As for The Joke, sure, the average listener may not listen to lyrics, but the ones that actually purchase music pay plenty of attention to lyrics and paying attention to those lyrics could turn someone off if they're just looking for a happy song...
Really, this is my mom thru and thru. She listens to the radio and grabs onto singles; interestingly enough you mentioned Lips of an Angel, and my mom loved that song until she downloaded it (I help her download songs to make sure she's talking about the right song before she buys the cd) and after listening to it and realizing what it was about, she just didn't like it as much anymore...ended up not buying the cd.
Post by Yuliya on Jul 26, 2007 16:20:30 GMT -5
^^ not gonna lie, I listened to the song and thought it was okay, until I read the lyrics and felt bad liking a song about cheating. If you arrange the Lifehouse section on the Itunes store by popularity - "Whatever It Takes" is 4th... which is really odd (After "First Time", "HBAM" and "Y&M") It's not nearly as high as those 3 but it is the highest non-single right now. Ok thanks. I was totally confused where everyone saw it listed lol. Ok, totally random, but on my iTunes store, if you click to sample "Only One" you get Simon, and if you click to sample "Simon" you get "Only One" just thought I'd share lol
Post by thechosenone00 on Jul 26, 2007 16:25:36 GMT -5
^^ not gonna lie, I listened to the song and thought it was okay, until I read the lyrics and felt bad liking a song about cheating. If you arrange the Lifehouse section on the Itunes store by popularity - "Whatever It Takes" is 4th... which is really odd (After "First Time", "HBAM" and "Y&M") It's not nearly as high as those 3 but it is the highest non-single right now. Ok thanks. I was totally confused where everyone saw it listed lol. Ok, totally random, but on my iTunes store, if you click to sample "Only One" you get Simon, and if you click to sample "Simon" you get "Only One" just thought I'd share lol well, on the bottom of the page linked originally it says "This page lists the top 100 Rock songs as reported by iTunes. Follow these links for other top songs!"
Post by jolene102 on Jul 26, 2007 16:26:18 GMT -5
can i just say that i don't like Hinder. I did like Lips of an Angel, but afterawhile it got on my nerves. And I can not stand their second song. I change the station whenever a Hinder song comes on.
Post by meesh on Jul 26, 2007 16:43:38 GMT -5
Hmmm. Okay. Someone mentioned that they trust the band to make the right decision, but to be completely honest, I don't trust them in this one... Don't get me wrong, Jason feels very strongly about Broken, as do many of us, so I can see why he wants to release it as the next single. Actually, it's REALLY admirable for an artist in these days to push for what's important to them instead of what will sell, which is why I feel bad saying what I am. But, it's been said a million times already- Broken really could go either way, and if it doesn't do well, then we're going to end up with the same problem we've had on every other album. I just can't stand to see that happen again. I love Broken and I love this album.
My vote goes to WIT, then Broken after that. I just think the general public will be able to relate to WIT much better. Plus, you can belt it out in the car while driving. Or maybe that's just me...
I swear, they need to hire us for consulting purposes. I really think we see and realize some things that they just don't see. ;-)
Post by FadedJade on Jul 26, 2007 18:27:22 GMT -5
^^^Heh, Kristi and I were discussing something similar a little earlier...something about balls....
Post by savemeimdtba on Jul 26, 2007 18:55:39 GMT -5
Ah, balls indeed...
Post by marii on Jul 26, 2007 21:01:23 GMT -5
WIT maybe will be a good single, even that i want others musics to be... i think that the joke would be a good single, but it's very commercial and don't show what lifehouse really is. Disarray is the music that i wanted to single ^^
*sorry for my very very bad english* XD
Post by gogonutz on Jul 26, 2007 21:10:17 GMT -5
your english is fine, don't worry. I don't really see why The Joke would be commercial. As for Disarray, it would probably do well on the more rock oriented radio stations, but I doubt it'll do well on pop oriented radio stations, as for WIT, MMO, & WWA I think they have the right format for that. WIT could be the new "Iris" (Goo Goo Dolls), and I'm sure that wouldn't hurt Lifehouse
Post by jolene102 on Jul 27, 2007 7:09:05 GMT -5
if they do release WIT, I hope it doesn't pigeon whole the guys from releasing another single. HBAM and Y&M both made it hard for other singles on those albums. I think WWA would be a nice follow-up after WIT and would do well that way.
Post by lhfreak18 on Jul 27, 2007 8:23:08 GMT -5
^^ not gonna lie, I listened to the song and thought it was okay, until I read the lyrics and felt bad liking a song about cheating. If you arrange the Lifehouse section on the Itunes store by popularity - "Whatever It Takes" is 4th... which is really odd (After "First Time", "HBAM" and "Y&M") It's not nearly as high as those 3 but it is the highest non-single right now. Ok thanks. I was totally confused where everyone saw it listed lol. Ok, totally random, but on my iTunes store, if you click to sample "Only One" you get Simon, and if you click to sample "Simon" you get "Only One" just thought I'd share lol that actually happened to me, so I thought that "Simon" was "Only One" and vice versa...