Post by aminta on Feb 28, 2012 15:35:29 GMT -5
My thesis took me 4 years of research and 2 years of writing, and then after 1 year I wrote another one, so we'd better not compare it to recording the album And in the meantime... I think they just have lives, you know . Time for family and friends, they need that, too, right? They need some inspiration to start off with something new, I think...
Post by celticflower on Feb 29, 2012 5:03:36 GMT -5
true that..wow 4 years?? If I did that, I'd lose and my supervisor, and well, I'd have to live of breadcrumbs..and build a HUGE student debt on top of the one I alrready have:p
sure they have lives, but it's not like the studio is THAT far away;-) I just wonder if they have a time slot for finishing it, or if it's oh yeah well within the next 2 or so years we have to produce another album..
Post by Rein on Mar 3, 2012 5:40:53 GMT -5
Like all Lifehouse fans I can't wait for the new album. Maybe April or May? Or even later? Maybe they are at the end of september in Europe. For a real big tour
Post by gogonutz on Mar 3, 2012 9:26:44 GMT -5
I wouldn't assume they'll tour Europe again this year. I would imagine a summer release at the earliest, but I think it would be good for them to take their time, take it easy, focus on being really satisfied with the product they are working on. Because first of all they have to really be behind it themselves, if so, the fans will follow. I'd rather have them record 100 songs and pick the best 10 - 14 songs out of those than just record like 20 and pick out 5 great ones and a few fillers. But I'm sure they are doing just that and putting together another fine album. If so, they will most likely tour the US (also based on the events that are already known in the tour section) and then maybe in the winter/spring they would have time to tour Europe. I don't really know, but that would seem like a logical time frame to me.
Post by aminta on Mar 3, 2012 11:07:17 GMT -5
I agree with Koen, but with the tour, who knows? Remember how they surprised us with that tour after 7 years of absence, we found out within one month and it was just before the album release. But honestly I would like to know if we're roadtrippin' this year or next because I am tempted to make a big travel this year, maybe to Australia
Post by celticflower on Mar 3, 2012 11:56:15 GMT -5
I know Koen is right about the process..and if I were an artist, I'd want to be a 1000 percent behind the product I am sending into the world..but that does not mean I have to like that process:p haha. regarding the touring schedule you might be right too, but if I were their manager I'd at least send them on a small promo tour in Europe, since I think they may lose a lot of fans If they release an album without a few live shows/promotion.. *and that seriously is not because I am impatient and want them here:p
Post by YesNoMaybe on Mar 6, 2012 11:31:59 GMT -5
Patience has never been a virtue of mine. I cannot wait to hear anything new from Lifehouse. Really ANYthing will do. A description of the mood in the studio, what they order for lunch, how long their writing sessions are, how many songs they've recorded so far, where their heads are at in their off-time, or just two notes from a new song. I just feel deprived of some LH info.
Post by Minka on Mar 6, 2012 12:38:31 GMT -5
Because it's so interesting what they eat, huh? ;D
Post by YesNoMaybe on Mar 7, 2012 6:32:45 GMT -5
Haha! What can I say, I love food!
Post by YesNoMaybe on Mar 30, 2012 14:12:50 GMT -5
There's been a lot of hustling and bustling on this board the past few days, and I'm liking it!
Post by celticflower on Mar 30, 2012 16:24:53 GMT -5
me too!:-)
Post by aminta on Apr 19, 2012 6:59:14 GMT -5
Excited for the weekend with my Lh girls in Germany... counting hours to train departure .
Post by YesNoMaybe on May 12, 2012 8:35:30 GMT -5
I usually type in the short url to get to this forum, but the last few times it said that the url for the forum has changed. Am I the only one getting this message? Or is the short url being phased out? Just wondering...
Post by gogonutz on May 13, 2012 9:57:28 GMT -5
No, I got the message too, I'll see if I can work around that!
Post by celticflower on May 26, 2012 3:44:43 GMT -5
what's the weather near you? I wanted to go for a run, but it's just really too warm:-( I like the warmth though, even if I cannot sit in the sun for too long.